Government and Council Parking

Fully integrated end-to-end parking solutions create a positive, community focused parking experience.

We specialise in delivering high volume, fast flowing parking management solutions for both on and off-street parking locations. We work with you to best understand your specific community needs, and deliver a tailored, intuitive parking solution to support them.

Council Parking

Case Study

City of Boroondara,

VIC, Australia

City of Boroondara partnered with CDS, to deliver parking solutions to it's 165,000 residents.


CDS now offers PARKi Digital and Barrierless Parking Solutions for Councils.

Our PARKi digital parking solutions offer a flexible cost effective alternative to meters for council off-street parking sites

Government and Council clients

We provide a combination of future ready technologies to suit council car park management needs.

We work closely with councils to give them the operational functions they need to deliver positive solutions to their community.

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Pay by Bay Meters

Customers nominate in advance, the duration of parking for a space and pay at a Pay and Display meter, using cash and credit card with Paywave. This function is known as pre-payment with a receipt issued to be displayed on the windscreen with traditional enforcement.

Pay by Plate Meters

Our Pay by Plate Meters are provided to Council with added service of digital Apps. Customers can enter via the inbuilt meter keypad, their licence plate number and nominate in advance the duration of parking. The meter may or may not issue a receipt of display on the windscreen. The complete payment for time stayed is charged as prepayment with no refund if vacating the space early. Enforcement is the same as for Pay and Display, with the added efficiency of an App.

Pay by Plate PARKi App

Using the PARKi App customers can pay at either a P&D location, or PBP location. If the customers uses our PARKi App for a P&D meter, the location is known and the customer’s account and vehicle number. If the customer overstays the period of paid parking within the zone, the customers can be notified to top-up to extend their time or an enforcement violation will apply.


Using the PARKi App customers can pay at either a P&D location, or PBP location. If the customers uses our PARKi App for a P&D meter, the location is known and the customer’s account and vehicle number. If the customer overstays the period of paid parking within the zone, the customers can be notified to top-up to extend their time or an enforcement violation will apply.

Enforcement App

CDS provides an enforcement App that collects all payments made by Parki Pay by Phone user account holders and displays within a zone those licence late numbers which are in violation.

Council parking solutions are essential for improving urban infrastructure, enhancing public services, and fostering sustainable communities.

Council Solutions


Barrierless Off Street Parking

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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